Sunday 21 June 2015


I know that this blog is a week late - again - but I am afraid that the pressure of the manic last few weeks of term, coupled with trying to keep up with my studies, is proving too much for me.  I haven't even taken any good photographs recently.  This one of Ronnie outside the British Embassy entrance in Juba was taken to go on the photo-map that we are having compiled to remember our time in East Africa (in fact we bid for it at a charity auction at the British High Commission last November).  I fear that the era of regular blogging, just like our adventure, is coming to an end.  I will probably manage at least one more blog to cover our final great drive around Lake Victoria (taking in South West Uganda, Rwanda, Northern Tanzania - including the Serengeti National Park - and South East Kenya) in July, but that may be it.

The current plan is for me to head back to Shrivenham after we return from our trip, perhaps after a final few days studying by the Nile in my favourite spot in Jinja .  Ronnie will go back to Juba for a few more weeks and then join me in the UK in late August.  Between now and the end of term I am busy with all the usual stuff (Key Stage 2 performances, report writing, class handovers etc) plus I am trying to get to grips with all of the research work I have to do.  Fortunately Habbakuk (the designated PhD badger) has been giving me a hand - although even he is getting a bit swamped ...

I am already getting very emotional about leaving Uganda.  In case I haven't made it clear before I do love living here and I will miss it hugely.  Of course it may also prove to be my last teaching position so that is making the move even more poignant. However, with time together, time with family and then some Middle Eastern excitement to come, I am also looking forward to the future.  So, just to whet the appetite (and to fill out this blog) I will finish with a picture of Cranfield University, Shrivenham Campus.