What's this blog all about?


Well, the original plan was to follow my wife Ronnie to South Sudan for a 2 year sojourn in Juba, probably using my previous skills(?) in post-conflict redevelopment or security sector reform.  However, as with many of my plans, God had a better idea and for various reasons (mostly to do with an over security-conscious UK Foreign Office) I will instead be working as teacher in the GEMS Cambridge International School in Kampala.  All in all I am actually quite happy with the outcome (apart from the separation of course).  This blog is my attempt to keep in touch with all those kind people from my previous school, Smallwood Manor Prep near Uttoxeter, my church in Stafford and other friends and family who have insisted that I do so.

I have very little previous experience of blogging, and none at all using this host platform, so we will see how it goes ...