Sunday 22 June 2014


Things are progressing and we have had a fairly productive weekend.  My teeth have been given the go ahead to move to Africa, and so have my eyes, hopefully the rest of me will catch up eventually.  It is a little disappointing that most of the interest in my blog so far seems to have focussed on the beard.  So to keep you all happy, here it is at the present stage:

School has been hurtling along at its usual summer term breakneck speed, with very little getting in the way of the express train that is the 'main production' - which this year is Annie.  I have to say that there are some stunning vocal contributions this time and I think it is going to Wow the audiences.  Meanwhile we have managed to do a little teaching in Year 4 and one of the great success stories in my opinion is the creation of the radio adverts that the class have made using Audacity.  They have been trying to sell a cardboard box, which links in with their English lessons on persuasive writing.  I have never tried uploading a sound file before, but I wanted to try it as this is one of my favourites (amongst many great efforts) ...

This is Ben and Phillip's attempt to sell their cardboard box - I think it's pretty cool!  I have simply uploaded it as a video so I hope that it works, we will see I guess!

1 comment:

  1. By popular demand...the beard.
    Those adverts are brilliant, you should be pleased but don't give away the best bit of our assembly!
