Monday 16 June 2014


Strangely enough getting started is actually a particularly inappropriate title as the one thing that I am finding difficult at the moment is precisely that.  I have an ever-growing list of things to do involving packing up the house for a move to our UK base in Shrivenham while we are away, getting things done for the move to Kampala, getting things done for Ronnie's move to Juba whilst she is away on courses, preparing for next year's teaching timetable - plus of course still teaching at Smallwood for another three weeks.  On top of all that I am missing my number one companion (excluding Ronnie of course) - my best mate Chad. 

 I am simply not used to typing at the keyboard without a large ginger bottom being regularly deposited on the keyboard - even the basic act of cooking supper is different without the usual background mewing (which roughly translated means 'give me tuna').  I will eventually get used to it I suppose, but for now it is definitely making getting ready to move on quite difficult.


  1. Brilliant! A blog, so we can see what the international man of mystery is up to. Will you also run a separate 'Beard Blog' or will that be included in this one? I think it important that we can track its progress too.

  2. Facial fur may well make an occasional appearance, particularly when it has been quiet in other areas of my life.

  3. Facial fur is of utmost importance and I hope that you will feature it regularly - hoping to see a full blown beard soon!

  4. Oh wow! WE can write on YOUR blog! That could be so dangerous... Bring on the beard jokes everyone!

    1. True, but I hold the ultimate sanction of deleting you if I deem you to be inappropriate - not that a lady such as yourself would ever be so! Hmm ...
