Sunday 19 October 2014


Sorry about the slightly spooky 'sefie' but I wasn't sure what I could use for today's blog and whilst I was at church this morning I suddenly had the idea of taking a picture with the video camera that I was filming some of the service with.  It wasn't supposed to turn out so scary.  Since Ronnie has sent me a few photos of the first two thirds of her exceptionally holy day to day, (three churches in one Sunday) I thought I would start with a Juba update.  I guess I can't do better than forward on to you the words of the holy one herself:

"Here are the 2 churches I visited today, sorry that they’re not great photos.  I haven’t got a photo inside All Saints as I didn’t have my camera with me but I don’t think it’ll be a problem taking one. It was great to meet 3 colleagues from the Embassy at these services.  A good message from Psalm 34:14, ‘Turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it’ at All Saints and a sermon on healing at Watoto where the welcome was extremely warm and the worship heartfelt."  Hopefully she can actually take the lead for the next blog as I am picking her up from Entebbe sometime after lunch for the start of our adventurous half term week away.  Tonight she is attending her regular 'pub church' in town somewhere.

Now I'm afraid that I only managed one service today - but that was quite some service at The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry church.  Today was the day of the very first drama group appearance and I had promised to be there for it. I got there in time for the 8 am start I had been told about, but there was much vociferous and fervent prayer already going on and had clearly been going on for sometime before I arrived - and when I left at 11:15 the preacher was still in full flow, although she did claim to be coming to a conclusion!  

The songs and music were actually not so different from what I am used to at All Saints' Cathedral - although, having said that, my level of worship participation is much higher than a few months ago (arms, hips, hands, etc fully engaged) so I wouldn't want to suggest it was anything other than wholehearted.  It was led by a music group who are the equivalent of our Anglican Flames at All Saints.  I don't know if they have a name, but as all the women at Mountain of Fire have to have their head covered, and all the women in the music group seemed  to choose lime green berets, I christened them the 'Green Angels'.   

It was the prayers that were something outside of my previous experience.  These are loud, fulsome, and repetitious (that is not to say boringly so, but they are based on set repetitions).  Also, as I might have already suggested, the sermons are longer - at least the main one was, the first one was only about 20 minutes of concentrated teaching and was very good indeed.  Personally, I could have left it at that, but each to their own.  The rest of the service that I was there for comprised various testimonies which I gather are a regular weekly feature, and of course the new branch of ministry - drama.  

The sketch was loosely based on a 'Screwtape Letters' style scene where the devil attempts to drive disciples away from faith through the demons of sickness, death and fear.  It perfectly illustrated the main sermon theme of 2 Timothy Ch 1 v 7 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline" and though I guess I might be biased, I thought it was brilliant!  It was delivered with enthusiasm and passion, and all the cast were word perfect. Certainly the congregation loved it and cheered and applauded when the Devil was sent packing and his demons dispatched screaming and squirming at the name of Jesus!  It was like they were actually witnessing it happening in front of them - and what more could any church drama group ask for?  The down side is, so I gather from Beatrice, that it was so well received that her pastor has told her to put on another sketch for next week's sermon on thanksgiving!  

The Pastor at Mountain of Fire

No pressure then - after all there's every evening this week to find another sketch, cast it and rehearse!  I must say, however, that it doesn't surprise me; in a church that seems quite female dominated, both the preacher and the pastor appeared to be quite formidable women!

Preacher Agnes about to get started

So there you are, a very holy blog indeed.  I'm not sure what is coming up next.  In fact there is a possibility that I may even miss out a week, or at least have a very brief entry next Sunday, as we have people over for dinner that evening and then we are out on our travels for a week.  We will have to see what happens during the week I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Half Term! Great blog, as ever. Your photo was not too scary, but with Halloween almost upon us perhaps you are preparing for a 'spooktacular' edition?!
