Sunday 2 November 2014


So the blog has been left to me this time after a very full half term in which the best intentions to produce a joint blog were overtaken by the time warp that is holiday time.  As I wait to get my taxi to Entebbe airport to return to Juba, there's just time to put some photos up to give you a glimpse of a great week exploring some of Eastern Uganda.   This is the first time that I've been let loose on the blog and it's a little awkward to operate.  So please forgive the clumsy formatting and the time it's taken to download the myriad pictures.

Rather than give you a blow by blow chronological account of our trip to Kalagala Falls, Jinja and Sipi Falls (Mount Elgon), here are some snaps to give you an overall impression of a fantastic week in some lovely lodges (the first of which was very very luxurious!):

24 hours at Wild Waters Lodge (we didn't get to keep the bath robes!)

All of them had amazing views:

Our Banda at Nile Porch Hotel

Lacam Lodge on the cliff top at Sipi Falls
We managed to enjoy lots of good food and drink in some spectacular settings:
Gin and Tonic as a storm approaches at Wild Waters Lodge
Breakfast at Lacam Lodge

We enjoyed walking, kayaking and chilling:

And seeing lots of wildlife:

We followed the story of coffee making:

Left to right, top to bottom: growing, pulping, drying, dehusking, roasting, grinding

And of course enjoyed the results of our hard work:

The Landcruiser had a great trip on some very good roads and some very poor ones:

We had a very warm welcome from Hans-Dieter and Inge at the Galilee Prayer Mountain when we called in on our way home - this was where Ian's Ugandan adventure began when he went to the AMCF East African Prayer Conference there in April.  

Finally we returned in time to attend the Poppy Ball organised by the British High Commission at the Kampala Sheraton raising money for both the Royal British Legion and the Ugandan Ex Servicemen's League.

Church on Sunday and catching up with friends was a great end to a wonderful week.  We are now fully recharged and ready for work!

Ian will be back with a slicker blog in a fortnight's time (school reports will prevent an earlier episode!).

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