Sunday 13 July 2014


Today was our last Sunday at St John's in Stafford - our home church for the last 3 years.  It was another very emotional farewell and we were overwhelmed by the messages of love and support that we received from everyone.  Our home group's prayers were well received, and the music group's sung blessing was extremely moving. We are really going to miss all of the friends that we have made at St John's, and we will have to go a long way before we find another church like this (although of course that is just what we are doing, so you never know!). 

After the service the most amazing surprise of all was a truly fantastic cake baked by Cathy our youth and children's worker.  It was made in the shape of a suitcase with all the flags of the places we have been over the years for me, and an army kit bag for Ronnie!  I can honestly say I don't think that I have ever seen a cake as beautifully decorated, and for it to be so personalised for us was unbelievable. Thank you Cathy!
On top of all of that, the actual cake tasted wonderful as well - as many people can testify.  The whole service was a joy, and was made even more special by a rare appearance by Dave from our old home group.  Let's hope that Adrian's sermon on how God speaks to us is the start of his recognising the place that Holy Spirit plays in his life.

This weekend has been a joyful respite from packing, and frustratingly trying to sort out admin details for our move(s) to Africa.  Yesterday we went with Graham and Barbara, friends from church, to watch the 4th day of the England v India Test Match at Trent Bridge.  It was the first time either of us had been to Trent Bridge (a really lovely ground by the way) and it proved to be a brilliant day as not only did the sun shine throughout, we also saw at least two records set.  To be able to say that 'I was there' when Root and Anderson scored the highest ever 10th wicket partnership in a test match, and when Jimmy Anderson scored 81 to become the highest scoring number 11 in an England test innings is something special indeed.  (I apologise to non-cricket fans, but all I can say is - get into cricket!).

So, this week will see our last few days in Stafford, which will mark the end of an era for both of us in many ways. However, it will also see our new adventure really begin to take off. Watch this space ...

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