Friday 4 July 2014


So today the moment of leaving Smallwood finally arrived.  As I always anticipated it was very emotional leaving a school at which almost every moment has been fun, and where the children have been such a pleasure to teach, the parents so positive and encouraging, and my colleagues such an inspiring and supportive group of friends. However, the floods of Year 6 tears that almost swept away their final Eucharist this morning did not help - if any of you are reading this, thanks a bunch, you didn't help me stay composed!  In the end think I just about managed to get away with my decorum intact.

This week has not been a roller-coaster.  I am sorry if I am supposed to say that it has been, but it really hasn't; there have been very few, if any, lows, just a series of highs!  A few that stand out must be:-

  • Our Year 4 assembly on Wednesday which featured Dorothy the goat (what a star).
  • Jayne Lea's and Kathy Emmerson-Friend's generous words of farewell yesterday and today.
  • Being mobbed by Year 6 shortly before they got into their limos to depart.
I have posted a photo of Dorothy, but the other moments I'm afraid I failed to capture.

Sadly, now the real work begins.  I have to knuckle down to packing up the house, and also to chase up a few details about the move to Kampala, most particularly those things that are out of my hands and are being dealt with by the school on my behalf - minor details like dates of departure, flights, accommodation, health insurance etc etc.  I am never particularly good when having to rely on others to do things for me, but it is proving to be even worse when everything is being arranged several thousand miles away.  Ah well, it is all good practice for 'the African way' I suspect!

I will try to blog at least weekly but will check for posts from readers daily, so do feel free to let me know what you are all up to - just remember that whatever you post can be read by everyone, children and adults!  Of course if there is anything that I feel should not have such a broad readership then I can always remove it!

Finally, I would just like to say thank you to all the children, parents and staff who kindly gave me such wonderful presents today.  Where possible, I will write or email to say thank you personally, but I fear that many of you may have to make do with just this 'blog thank you'!

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