Saturday 19 July 2014


I would have to admit to this having been a slightly stressful week - the stress mainly being caused by my concern that we would not manage to fit everything into our new, much smaller house. Ronnie, as always, remained calm and sanguine throughout, wisely leaving the fretting to me (and me to the fretting).  In the end, however, we are now finally squeezed into our new 'home away from home' - in some areas quite literally.  The beautiful weather made the move much easier, if a little too sweaty for my liking, but I guess that it is all good acclimatisation for Kampala/Juba.  Having said that, according to the online weather sites it has been hotter in UK this week than in either Uganda or even parts of South Sudan!

Our move out of the quarter at Stafford was made much easier by a friend from Smallwood (Kathy Emmerson-Friend to be precise) kindly feeding us and putting us up for the night on Tuesday, whilst we waited for the final elements of the house to be packed the following day.  Even better Kathy, in true Smallwood spirit, turned the evening into a final, final Smallwood farewell and we had a brilliant supper party outside with Sally Moseley and Sally MacKenzie, two other great friends from school.

Arriving down at Shrivenham on Wednesday night I just could not envisage how all of our things were going to fit into this much smaller house, even given the fact that we didn't intend to unpack anything apart from that which is going to Africa, plus our 'survival kit' for 4 weeks in Shrivenham. 

The dining room - we are hoping that the good weather
will continue so that we can eat outside!
Our spare bedroom - fortunately we are not anticipating
guests in the next 4 weeks.

However, we made a plan and surprisingly, despite a few moments of concern, by Thursday afternoon everything was stored somewhere.  A big thank you must go to both the removal team who were brilliant, and my in-laws, Nick and Sue, who turned up and just got on with whatever needed doing (including supplying a fantastic picnic lunch).  Even Charley and Isabella paid us a short visit - just in time to witness an overhead display by the Red Arrows (who were "too loud" according to Bella!).  Sadly I think they were not actually there to welcome us in, but were probably part of a graduation ceremony or some such at the Defence Academy, but you never know ...

One great team watching another great team - The Red Arrows!

We have now made a list of things to do over the next few weeks - and perhaps inevitably I have been left to get on with it today whilst Ronnie helps Holly to move house herself.  It is quite daunting, not only because of the length of it, but also because it appears to include such tasks as National Optics, Train toilet and Bingo Moo.  In retrospect I fear that it may have been a mistake to allow Ronnie to write it out.  Brilliant though she might be at things military, in fact I often feel that given her handwriting skills she should really have been a doctor, or at least married a cryptologist.  Never mind, I am sure that I will manage to sort it out.  Now, I wonder what she wanted me to train the toilet to do?


  1. We are in the midst of toilet training if you do need any advice (though neither the 2 year old or the toilet really behaving itself!).

    Well done Ronnie, you see it did fit. So lovely to see you before you headed to your small but perfectly formed quarters. Enjoy the sunshine.

    1. Ah, so wise Mrs E-F. In fact our toilet seems to be behaving itself without my intervention so I think I will switch my focus to that dratted Bingo Moo.

  2. I think we should all pay you a surprise visit for a few nights in Shrivenham - really put your logistical, tactical space manoeuvres to the test!!!! :) xx

  3. Do come - but perhaps not as a surprise! We have several spare beds (you can see three of them stacked up in the photo) but you may have to sleep standing up!
