Thursday 10 July 2014


It has been a long week so far, and today has been particularly exhausting - I do feel that I have earned a wee dram before settling down for the night.   Having driven down to Shrivenham and back yesterday to take over the new quarter (which is tiny compared to the grand house we have been in for the last 3 years and I am not convinced that everything will fit in, even if it is left in the packer's boxes) I was already tired before I made the foolish decision to get up early this morning and do some exercise.  I thought an early run would avoid the heat of the day and would also ensure that I didn't lose the enthusiasm that I had managed to muster to do it at all.  Well, all that was probably true, however, unfortunately it left me feeling worn out before the day had really begun.  After my shower I felt that I had earned a proper breakfast so decided to take all the rubbish that I had collected during the sort out of the house during the week down to the dump, and then to have a decent scoff in town.  Sadly, having loaded up the van, when I arrived at the dump I discovered that it doesn't open on Thursdays!  Oh well, breakfast still awaited me - until I parked up and went to get my rucksack with my wallet and my Kindle from the passenger seat, only to discover that I had left them on the kitchen table!  I did eventually get the breakfast I had earned by jogging 6 Km around Stafford at 6:30 in the morning, but not until about 10:30! The rest of the day was then spent 'harrumphing' at England's inability to bowl India out, and cleaning out the 'ute' ready to move out next week.  

Just as well we don't need to put the car in the garage!

The good news is that I have finally managed to get everything ticked off from my list of things to do before Ronnie gets back on Friday night (or at least I will have done when I get to the dump tomorrow morning) - but the house does look like we have been ransacked by a bunch of drunken baboons.  At least I should be able to go to the fourth day of the test at Trent Bridge on Saturday with my conscience clear.

Although this is the time I could do with Chad around to help me unwind, I must admit that today would have been a nightmare with him trying to 'help' with the clearing up and the packing!  In fact we visited him at his new home with the Faulders last Saturday and he seemed particularly well settled.  It was pleasing that he came out to say hello, and clearly knew who we were.  However, the fact that he showed no signs of wishing to leave his palatial surroundings and come back with us when it was time to leave, whilst a comfort, was a little hurtful!  Oh well, he was always a smart cat and he knows when he is well off. Besides, I don't think he fancied the African life - too much much competition from his bigger cousins!
So, I will set off for the dump again tomorrow morning, this time without the burden of an early morning run beforehand, but with a greater confidence of being admitted this time.  Hmm, perhaps I might also manage a coffee in the the Gallery whilst I am there ...

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