Friday 15 August 2014


The moment has nearly arrived and we are ready for the off at last.  The good news is that the Embassy in Juba have decided that they don't need to see Ronnie until the 25th - and the really good news is that they have suggested that she should pay a visit to the High Commission in Kampala before she arrives.  So we are travelling together on the same flight, and we have even managed to get seats next to one another, all of which means that it should be a much more enjoyable trip.  It also means that we will have a week together in Kampala before either of us have to start our new jobs - so an unexpected holiday awaits!

The other big news is on the beard front.  It went from a full set, to a goatee, to a military moustache in the space of three days - about the same time as it takes England to beat India in a test match these days.  How long the moustache lasts remains to be seen.

We are both slightly concerned about being over the weight limit for our flight, but we are praying that BA will be lenient.  Tomorrow Charley is dropping us off at my in-law's place where we are staying the night, before Sue drops us at the airport on Sunday.  Holly and boyfriend Dan are also joining us all for a farewell lunch tomorrow so it will be an emotional send off.

The next blog, all things being well, will be sent from Africa.  Exactly when that is will depend on such things as getting the internet connection sorted etc!  Please pray for a safe journey.

1 comment:

  1. Safe journey. Beard removed in order to scrape through the weight allowance for the flight? Mrs Gagie will be pleased!
    Post as soon as you can to let us all know you arrived safely.
